Sibling Duo Majorsteez Talk New Music and Perfect Timing


Brothers Steez and Sandi are strikingly different, and equally entertaining to talk to. R&B duo Majorsteez by day and lifelong best friends since birth, the pair have managed to merge their music with their real life-supported by a rapidly growing fan base.

For many people, the last few months would have been their introduction to Majorsteez, but they have been around since 2015. Initially, they started out as a trio but eventually split- a shift that they describe as happening naturally. “There was no drama around the split. We wanted different things and pursued them in different directions” says Steez, the older of the two-22 at the time of this interview.

Since we started betting on ourselves everything else started to fall into place. 
— Majorsteez

Having just dropped their latest single “Lies” featuring Costa Titch and Uncle Vinny, Majorsteez says they’re using this (forced) time at home to really buckle down and make more music, and that an EP or mixtape might not be too far from the horizon.

Directed by Young Matee IG: @Officialmajorsteez Twitter: @Majorsteez_za Stream/download Cum To My Senses: Spotify:

They speak more on their journey, making the most out of the lockdown in South Africa and what they wish they knew when they started out in our full interview below, lightly edited for the purpose of clarity and context.

Jade: Congratulations on the single! What has the reception been like?

Steez: It’s honestly been so overwhelming. Even before the single dropped, we just realized how many people are behind us with this music thing. 

Sandi: We’ve been doing this for a long time you know? And it’s nice to see it finally paying off.

Jade: Right?! I did a little digging and found that the duo used to be a trio.. Lets talk a little bit about what happened there.

Steez: The internet never forgets! [laughs] You need to understand we started this thing in 2015, still in [high] school...The other member was a very close friend of ours. There was no drama around the split. We wanted different things and pursued them in different directions.

Jade: And what did he want?

Sandi: To be a lawyer. It was always about the music for us, so we were really in this thing, you know? And he just wasn’t, and that’s totally okay! We’re blood brothers which works in our favor and looking back, it was definitely the right decision. 

Jade: What did your parents think about both their sons choosing what could be considered a different way of going about things post-high school?

Steez: We are blessed to have a really supportive family, but I do think they didn’t realize just how serious we were about this...Now that they have, we feel like we can really take this to the next level.

Jade: So they were the only co-sign you ever needed?

Steez: You get it! Their support means the world to us.

Sandi: For real! I couldn’t give two sh*ts about what everyone else thinks.[laughs]

Jade: Seeing as you guys have been around for so long, what do you think changed in the last few months that made people sit up and take notice?

Steez: You know how they say all it takes is one song.. “Cum to My Senses” was that song for us.

Sandi: For sure... Also, for some artists that song is their first song... We had to learn a lot before we got here.

Jade: What did some of those learning curves look like for the two of you?

Steez: Uhm, maybe that we didn’t need to spend 40k on our first music video.

Sandi: Wow we really got played...But we live and we learn and since we started betting on ourselves everything else has started to fall into place. 

Jade: I’m really interested to see how you guys have managed to stay connected to your audience, as you are literally coming up in a time when there are no events, no live shows. What has that process been like for you guys?

Sandi: We making it work! Let me just say performing is where I shine okay? So its an adjustment.

Steez: [laughs]This guy.. But his right. Usually, when you’re a new artist, touring and performing is very important to building your audience.. We have been very lucky to be invited to perform at creators live with [Costa] Titch and that performance really blew up online even though we were going crazy in an empty studio... So yeah, I think it’s just about making the most of the situation.

Sandi: We also grew up in the digital age so connecting with our audience through social media comes naturally to us, and I think that has definitely helped. 

Jade: What do you guys have in the works at the moment? Potential album maybe?

Steez: Album not yet, project maybe.

Sandi: Are you peer pressuring us?[Laughs] but for real, we are sitting on enough music for an EP or a mixtape, but we’re still in the process of figuring out how to package and put it out. 

Jade: What can people look forward o seeing from you guys in the next few months?

Steez: Hopefully some more bangers!

Sandi: We also just wrapped this thing with TRACE, we’re on the 6th episode of that show so keep an eye out.


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